Dear anyone who still reads my blog,
I have been gone for weeks, trying to get my soul back in place. You see, when I left Sweden for my African adventure I was told not to worry about the shock of coming to Sierra Leone, but to be aware of the shock of coming back. I was told that I would arrive to Sweden in body, but my soul would only catch up some weeks later. And I think they were right.
One goes away for a couple of months and doesn't realize how much one much one much one learns... From everything I lived, the people I met, the things I saw, heard, smelled, touched and breathed in... I never realized I was coming back another person. One expects to come home and everything will be the same. But it isnt. And it never will be. And its so wonderful.
Its scary and new, to see the world differently...But Im so glad for it, and I hope it happens to me (and hopefully to you too) several times in this lifetime...
I´ve already cooked their groundnut paste sauce with lots of "peppah", feel like all food is missing some hot Salonian pepper hahaha... And I walk around in my lappás all the time (2 yards of cloth with beautiful prints which the women use for everything, including wrap-up skirts and dresses) causing curious looks and west africans living here to smile broad and make me feel like Im back there again...
But this surge of nostalgia came over me because I am writing my thesis which is based on the research I did around Tiwai Island... Looking back I only miss it, there is nothing I regret, and everything to thank for!
Thank you Salone and all the wonderful people I met there.